page update 15/4/2019
Hints, tips, and thoughts
Be a dare devil, drive out into beautiful countryside and visit where they produce Rupert Rat food.
click to see pics
* When out buying essentials for your pet rats,try the Classic Crystal Hamster 150ml size Drinkers.
Clear, easy to see water level at all times. Good value.
* When you notice a rat banging its drinker bottle up
every few seconds as he tries to drink from the ball
dispenser -
because it may well be your rat cannot draw water properly
from it anymore, hardening deposits are blocking the twin ball valve..
*Please carefully note that you normally have the water dispensers set at a height that suits the large adults
when they semi-
If you have a litter of baby rats, at 16 -
> Don't forget your baby bucks grow much larger and they appreciate a drinker nozzle positioned quite high for them,
About 6 or 7 inches above the cage floor. Doe prefer a slightly lower setting of the drinker.
* Always try to keep a empty cage, but kitted with toys,
tubes or even crumpled balls of paper ! When cleaning out the rats regular cage -
* A rat has a keen memory. Also remembers and identifies it's owner's voice, tone and pitch. They associate a sharp
'stop it !' etc to mean stop the mischief or bullying you
see out of your eye corner beginning to take place. Very much like naughty children
So normally control the pitch and tone of your voice, mine respond to a soft murmuring voice from me, by remaining at their sleepy best. But talk sharper and they respond differently.
* If one of your small Doe mums has an extra large litter of young, say 15 plus ... then one useful thing which I employ with my own, is to employ a shallow hamster pot ( not plastic) with a single layer of large glass marbles placed in it.
Then when some milk is poured in, up to the marble tops -
the kittens as they fur up, can drink safely, with their tiny front paws on the
marbles, so preventing them 'dropping -
Seriously, this enable the tots to start drinking early and very soon reduces the demand and stress upon their mum.